Inventor/Engineer Doug Malewicki is an Aeronautical & Astronautical Engineer with a MS from Stanford University. Doug holds patents on inventions in the diversified fields of aerospace, medicine, transportation and toys.
Doug is also an avid trail runner, cyclist and backpacker. Doug strongly believes exercise is a very important part of staying healthy in his geezer years. He has been running since 1972 and loving trail running after discovering it 1998. He has cycled the 540 miles from San Francisco to LA down beautiful Pacific Coast Highway 1 seven times since 1982. Doug did 25 years in a row of week long backpack trips every summer in the Sierra's since 1982. He has trekked up to the summit of Mount Whitney (14,496 feet elevation - highest spot in the contiguous 48 states) 7 times since 1995. Last time was 2019.